Ep. 069 - Start With Your People: An Interview with Brian Dixon
In this episode, Sara Anna Powers brings author, speaker and clarity coach Brian Dixon onto the podcast to dig into his new book, Start With Your People. Brian left a high-school teaching career to grow a 7-figure online business and speaks for some of the nation’s top events. He also co-founded HopeWriters, an online community for faith-centered authors to receive support and grow their skills and influence.
Sara Anna and Brian cover how you can live out your purpose more quickly than you’ve ever imagined, how success in one area can propel you toward success in another, and the benefits of staying aligned with your faith as you grow your business.
We trust you’ll want to connect with Brian more after hearing his inspiring story. Here’s where you can follow him online:
Instagram: @brianjdixon
Order your copy of Brian’s Book and get access to hundreds of dollars worth of bonuses at bit.ly/startwithyourpeoplebook
Magnify Live is less than a month away! Visit www.saraannapowers.com/magnifylive to claim your ticket and join us from October 2-4 in Atlanta, Georgia, to magnify your results in business while magnifying God.
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