I believe that YOU possess an extraordinary gift that will make an incredible impact in the world.
I’m a Conversion Copywriter and Online Business Mentor for you, the motivated entrepreneur who is ready to pursue your powerful purpose.
Did you grow up with big dreams of leaving a lasting legacy in the world? Me too! When I was little, my goals were to go to Princeton and then to become a Supreme Court Justice! But perhaps your dreams have been bruised and battered along the way? I can identify!
I always thought that if I just worked hard enough, I’d achieve everything I desired. So I gave up parts of my childhood in order to meet my goals. I was a cheerleader, the lead in an Equity theater production, and the valedictorian of my prestigious (and expensive) prep school. I barely slept as I spent hours and hours engaging in activities that were meant to impress people and build my resume.
But I quickly learned that hard work does not guarantee success.

I met my dream goal of getting admitted to Princeton, only to find out that my parents couldn’t afford Princeton’s $30,000/year price tag. I went to a state school on a full scholarship, and I tried to be grateful for my opportunities, as all good Christian girls are told to do.
I got a scholarship to law school, too, but learned that it’s basically impossible to be a Supreme Court Justice unless you’ve attended a top-tier law school. While I attended a well-reputed school and made good grades, I didn’t meet the necessary qualifications to go after what I had always thought was my dream job.
I took a “good” job just out of law school, making nearly $100,000 as my starting salary. I purchased a beautiful three-bedroom house in a family-friendly suburb, and I was on a career path that would lead to eventual partnership in a reputable law firm.
To everyone on the outside my life seemed pretty awesome, but I was dying inside.
I took 3 days total off in my first year and a half of work, and I worked most weekends. I missed my grandfather’s funeral for work. I missed Thanksgiving with my family when my boss told me I needed to work through the holiday. Work was my life - friendships and family took a backseat to my law partners’ demands.
Then, the unthinkable happened.
The economic downturn hit, and I lost that “cushy” job. I was looking at a mortgage that I had no way to pay, and I was terrified. I remember one of the partners saying, “I’m so sorry. One day I promise you’ll look back on this day as one of the best days of your life.”
Really, I thought? I doubted that would be true. I felt like a failure.
God is bigger, God is greater, and God is GOOD!
In the midst of this trial, I clung to my faith. I KNEW that God had a plan and a purpose for my life, and I prayed diligently for His help: to bring me work that was fulfilling, to give me a future, and to give my life the purpose that I knew He had for it!
At first, the road to fulfillment felt so much longer than I expected, but looking back on it now, my business took off RAPIDLY once I started to understand conversion copywriting and magnetic messaging.
The bottom line? God continues to fulfill my desires in His perfect timing. I know that He will do that for you, too! And part of my purpose is to help you reach the people you’re meant to serve . . . the people who are praying for you to show up right now . . . with high-converting copywriting!
If you’re wondering about how God answered my prayers for a meaningful life and work, I’ll give you the Cliffs’ Notes.
God gave me a position at a prestigious Big Law firm, which I held for nearly 5 years. When that job demanded that I leave my home and live in hotels for ten months, He opened the door for me to work for a smaller family-owned firm where I felt both valued and valuable. That firm supported my online business and cheered me on as my business took off. The day that I resigned, in April 2018, the firm’s owner wished me well in my business — and he meant it!
Since then, the business has grown to 7-figures, and I’ve had the joy of serving more than 8000 students in my online programs, and creating custom-crafted copy for hundreds of online business owners.
I believe that when you have a desire, it’s MEANT for you. God doesn’t give us dreams to tease or taunt us, and one might even say that it’s our DUTY to pursue that path that God is pressing on your heart.
When you’re ready to make a major positive impact online, I encourage you to connect.
We’ll create magnetic messaging that will draw your ideal clients into your paid programs and services.
We’ll ensure that you communicate the value of your offers to those ideal clients in a way that allows them to feel SAFE and SECURE as they work with you.
You are here for a reason, and you have God-given gifts and talents that were meant to be unleashed in the world!
Let’s get to work and start pursuing your powerful purpose.
Why Anna?
There are hundreds of Conversion Copywriters, and you want to know what makes me different. I get it!
I am completely faith-centered.
I respect your faith whether it’s similar to mine or dramatically different. But it’s important that you know I am a person who believes in your infinite potential and possibility. This often lets me see more for my clients than you originally imagined for yourself. And I put an actionable, concrete plan in place to transform this belief into real-world results.
I’m invested in your success.
I have invested literally hundreds of thousands of dollars pursuing the BEST training in the industry (feel free to ask my bookkeepers at Evolved Finance, and they will verify this for you). When you work with me, you will have the benefit of all the elite-level training I’ve received since beginning my business.
Once upon a time, I felt stuck, trapped, and defeated.
I've been there.
Before I understood the value of Conversion Copywriting, I struggled in my business. Because you can have the best offer in the world in front of the perfect person, but if you don’t have the ability to accurately convey the value of that offer, your perfect person won’t buy. Once I nailed my messaging, the dream clients and revenue have consistently showed up. And I know this can happen for you, too.
I’ve got Real-World Experience.
I’ve been writing copy for high-level online business owners since 2017, and my clients have included industry leaders like Michael Hyatt, Kris Carr, Dr. Shannon Irvine, Amber-Lee Lyons and Tiffany Lee Bymaster. I’ve created copy for many six- and seven-figure online launches, and I’m familiar with the entire copywriting process, from nailing your core message & promise, to writing your word-for-word webinar script, and everything in-between (including sales pages, email sequences, opt-in pages and upsell/downsell offer pages).
Coaching certifications
Certifications that I’ve earned and programs in which I’ve invested include:
Certified Life Coach with Brooke Castillo’s The Life Coach School
Endorsed Copywriter via Ray Edwards’ Copywriting Apprentice Program
Marie Forleo’s B-School; Amy Porterfield’s DCA; James Wedmore’s BBD; Emily Williams’ IHC
James Wedmore’s Inner Circle Mastermind (2 years) and Performance Mastermind (1 year)
Selena Soo’s Mastermind (1 Year)
Personal Coaching with elite-level coaches, including Jevonnah Ellison (endorsed by Michael Hyatt and Dan Miller), Jaime Masters (have you heard of The Eventual Millionaire? That’s Jaime! She also helped John Lee Dumas launch a little podcast called Entreprenuer on Fire), Dan Miller of 48 Days to the Work You Love, Emily Williams of I Heart My Life.
Rick Mulready's FB Advantage
200-hour Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Teacher since 2005
Juris Doctorate degree – Yes, I’m an attorney still licensed to practice law in 2 states
Bachelor of Arts Degrees in French and English (summa cum laude)
48 Days Certified Coach through Dan Miller's 48 Days
DISC Certified