Episode 025 - Living a Daring Life with Csilla Muscan


Sara Anna brings on her friend and Mastermind sister Csilla Muscan for this episode. Csilla has overcome many challenges to build an online business as a speaker, singer and the founder of the new Daring Girls Collective membership site.


Csilla and Sara Anna share about how to walk courageously toward the future God has for you and the importance of finding supportive community.


Resources mentioned in this episode include:


http://www.daringgirlscollective.com   Join Csilla’s new Membership Site, for which Sara Anna is the Mentor of Personal Development, at a special rate of just $27/month.


Check out Living Forward by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy for more tips on living a life of intentionality.


To receive regular updates from Sara Anna, take advantage of this FREE workbook and audio training and you’ll be added to the email list for encouragement and motivation!

Tyler B.