Episode 012 - Be Still
As entrepreneurs, we are called to do many varied tasks. It can be quite difficult to just take time to be still. Yet, in the stillness is where our creativity can truly thrive and prosper. It’s up to us to cultivate this safe, still space, so that we can continue to grow.
Tips on cultivating stillness:
Make stillness a habit goal. Tie it to the same time or activity each day.
Try an app like Headspace to begin a simple meditation practice.
Put music to it. Your stillness doesn’t have to - and sometimes shouldn’t - be quiet. Put on some beautiful classical or worship music for your time of stillness. You can also use a site like http://www.focusatwill.com to find custom music to inspire creativity.
Block off a set time that is extended when you will simply give yourself time to be creative.
Our verse of the week is Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”
To get more information on how Sara Anna personally incorporates stillness into her life, download her free audio guide and workbook: 4 Success Strategies Faith-Centered Women Use Daily: http://www.saraannapowers.com/vipsuccess
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