Divinely Loved
London is gorgeous this time of year. I can say that as I’ve just returned from business travel to England’s capital city. Last week, I attended Emily Williams’ I Heart Coaching graduation as an alum, and then had the privilege of presenting on copywriting at multi six-figure coaches’ Noor Hibbert’s and Rachel McMichael’s Powerhouse Mastermind (at the super-trendy Citizen M hotel). While I was only in London for four nights, I packed the trip as full as possible with energizing experiences. Here are a few pics from the week:
We had tons of good times, but one moment stands out above all the rest. During our IHC graduation event, we experienced a day filled with raw emotions. Some of the women in the room already have thriving businesses, while some are still struggling to get things off the ground. This it TOTALLY NORMAL, as every business owner has her own timeline to success (and I truly believe that if you’re passionate about and skilled at the service you provide, you WILL be successful).
But one woman stood up and expressed that while she was successful in business, she felt blocked in love, particularly in romantic love. This woman is what you’d probably consider “plus-size,” and she’s flippin’ GORGEOUS. Her presence is magnetic, and of all the women in the room, I would have pegged her as one of the most confident. So I was floored that she was experiencing these insecurities in love.
My coach being the utterly amazing coach that she is, she had all of the women in the room speak affirming words to this woman who was struggling. We heard a lot of “You’re so beautiful” - totally true! And “you’re an amazing businesswoman.” Also true!
And then my turn came to speak. And y’all, ALL I could think of to say to this woman was:
“You are divinely loved. Already. You are SO DIVINELY LOVED.”
I had tears in my eyes while I said it, and I have tears in my eyes even while I’m writing this message. Because this woman - this amazingly talented, gorgeous, brilliant woman - felt blocked in love because of her weight.
And it’s SATAN. There’s no other way to say it. It is the deceiver who has made us feel that we are only worthy if we are a certain size, or have just the right hair color, or hair length, or lipstick shade, or ugh! whatever other ugly lie he wants to get us to believe.
This brilliant gem - this breathtaking soul - felt “less than” because her dress size isn’t a 6 or an 8. It was heartbreaking. And I needed to tell her that no matter what ridiculous guys don’t give her the time of day because of her weight, the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE - the MAKER of those ridiculous guys (who will hopefully recognize their ridiculous ways and start acting better, haha) finds her to be unwaveringly, unmistake-ably, breathtakingly beautiful.
I said it to her because I felt I HAD to. “You are divinely loved.”
And I’ve been floored by the response. First, another woman attending the graduation thanked me for saying that. “It needed to be said. It was different than what everyone else was saying. It was deeply true.”
Then, the words were repeated at the mastermind event where I was a guest speaker. The message of Divine Love was shared. It hit home.
These were not my words. They were words spoken by the Holy Spirit to my soul - and I repeated them at the risk of sounding “woo-woo,” like a religious fanatic, or a silly sap. But I knew I had to say them, so I said them!
And the beautiful ripple effects have carried over to people who weren’t even in the room where those words were originally spoken.
In sharing this with you, my goal is simple: I want to encourage you to take action when the Holy Spirit lays something on your heart. When you feel that nudge to act, DO IT! SPEAK the words that He lays on your heart, DO the thing that you know you’re being divinely prompted to do. There are forces at play in this world that are so far beyond what we can know and recognize - and God can take our little lives and use them to glorify Himself in ways we could never have imagined.
So FOLLOW those nudges. TRUST the Holy Spirit’s prompting. OBEY the call to speak truth to the world.
You’ve got this. You’ve got the power of the whole universe behind you.
With SO much brilliant love,